Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Friend Stole My Pain Meds

Well, at least he didn?t leave you for a younger woman? But really, I agree, one doesn?t ideally want one?s bridesmaid to be dating one?s ex-husband. But then, you?re about to begin a new chapter of your life. ?Why waste mental energy getting worked up about the past? (Don?t you have flower arrangements to worry about?) The guy walked out on you, yes. So pride dictates that you?ll always hate his guts. Plus, you have children together. So you can?t forget he ever existed. But I guess my feeling is that if Kelly wants him, she can have him. What?s it really to you? That doesn?t mean you have to cheer them on, or embrace her as a close friend right now. But nor do I see her behavior as grounds to cut her off forever. Now, if she were trying to date your new husband, that would be another story ...


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